So, for this week's challenge we have agreed to do Euclid. Rock on with your bad selves!!!! I took some pictures this morning:
This is the uphill view. I'm not going to lie, the first time I did it I had to find a tree to lean on. Partly because I thought I was going to collapse and partly so that I could discreetly puke. But it has gotten MUCH easier over time. It is my favorite run! So much so, that I feel like jumping up and down, throwing my arms up in the air and yelling, "Woohoo!!!!!" every time I make it to the top (Yes, in the style of a "Woo Girl," minus the shots). It's my, mind-over-matter, mental endurance, Rocky moment.
And here's the best part...

The Downhill View
Once you make it to the top, you get to come back down! It feels like you are flying. If there isn't anyone around, I have actually stretched my arms out to get the full feeling of soaring down the first two blocks down from the top.