The other day, when I casually rolled out of here at 7:45, I confirmed that it is either, get up redonculously early, or suffer having buckets of sweat pour down our CRACKS.

One way to endure: Soaking your fiery tootsies in the icy cold ocean after a run feels sooooo good! I always take my gear with me when I am on vacation, that way, if I have a chance to, I get CRACKalackin' around town. Better yet, if I can then bound down to the beach.
(Since I refrained from adding a picture of some sweaty, hairy, greeeeasy butt CRACK, I had to, at least, inlude this Whitney-JJ mash up. Because this shizzy CRACKED me up!)

That is some Dyn-O-Mite CRACK!
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