This is pretty interesting. Nova trained these people for the revered Boston Marathon. They went from living sedentary lives to being marathon ready in 9 months. Well, they didn't break any records but they did finish the marathon, which is quit an accomplishment. The amazing part is how much their overall health improved.
You can watch it for free on Hulu on PBS
It does confirm that some people have genetics based running abilities. But it also dispels the myth that not all "types" (pack mules, hobbits, apples, pears, etc) can run marathons.
So let's get out there and run, friends. If this Nova motley crew can do it, so can ours.
SIDENOTE: Speaking of Motley Crue, Nikki Sixx is dating Kat Von D, of the acclaimed reality show, LA Ink. Amongst her many hobbies, she is also a runner. She ran the 4th leg of the San Diego Rock & Roll Marathon Relay for the LA Ink team. So if you are into that, we might see her and others at the R & R LA. 

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